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Wellbeing Training Courses for Managers

Looking after employee health and wellbeing is no longer a nice-to-have, it’s a necessity to creating a thriving business. We offer a variety of training programmes expertly designed to help managers improve health, raise awareness and increase the productivity of your employees.

With training covering a wide range of areas, our courses will equip managers to create the right environment for your workplace.

Our Wellbeing Training Courses for Managers

Psychological Safety for Driving Team Performance

Psychological safety is described as a condition in which one feels included, safe to learn, safe to contribute, and safe to challenge the status quo, without fear of being embarrassed, marginalised or punished in some way.

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Mental Wellbeing for Managers

Our mental health awareness training for managers is designed to make management teams and leaders aware of mental health issues inside and outside the workplace. It provides wellbeing-management techniques to support individuals and aims to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health.

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Health & Wellbeing for Leaders

Our Health & Wellbeing for Leaders course is designed to equip leaders and managers with knowledge and skills that can influence workplace culture. This will include an understanding of their workforce and will illustrate how their own behaviours can affect the wellbeing of their employees.

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How to Build and Maintain an Effective Workplace Wellbeing Programme

Duration: 4.5 hrs

Embedding a workplace wellbeing programme is key to promoting a positive workplace health culture, improving the health of your employees, increasing productivity and reducing absenteeism.

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